What are the benefits of having a blood test?

Blood tests have a variety of uses and are one of the most common types of medical tests done. If you are unsure about taking a blood test, here are some reasons to help you understand why it is important.

1. Blood drops

Having a regular blood screening is a key component for preventing various diseases. By providing a snapshot of your current health, blood screening can catch potential health problems before they fully manifest so they can be managed most effectively. 

Some benefits of blood testing

  • The liver and kidney are vital organs for the body - a routine blood test will provide you with a clearer picture of what is happening inside the body (i.e., inflammation, toxic chemicals, diabetes, metabolic dysregulation, etc.)
  • A balanced vitamins and minerals status - your blood reports will inform you about the level of these essential nutrients in the body. This can help you to adjust your diet according to your needs/deficiencies 
  • Stay up to date - biomarkers, such as platelet count, hemoglobin, white blood cells, etc. are fundamental to your health and can inform you about potential infections, anemia, blood clotting, etc.
  • Blood donation - if you donate your blood regularly tracking your health is key 
  • Check your hormones and thyroid levels - sometimes symptoms of unbalanced hormones can go undiagnosed for some time. If left untreated, these may lead to disease progression until an irreversible clinical disease state 
  • Track your testosterone and estrogen levels - this can give you a clearer picture of your sex hormones levels and any fertility issues 

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of having a blood test,

or if you hav any further questions, please contact us via support@rightangled.co or alternatively please use our live chat service (Mondays to Fridays 9am-6pm)

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